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  • Tags: Karis

Foustenela - Greek Evzone soldier costume worn by Kanakaris - pto be an original from the 1900s - five pieces: vest, shirt, sash, skirt and pompoms for the shoes

An embroidered presentation of the Greek and American flags - Demetrios Gotsis came to the United States in 1915, worked on the railroad and returned to Greece in 1918 During that time he learned embroidery and created this piece

Four Story Boards documenting AHEPA conventions,and Greek-owned businesses

AHEPA fez belonging to Mitchell Angel, along with his partially typed and partially handwritten speech accepting the District presidency
AHEPA fez belonging to Geoge Kanakaris in Oregon

Red felt with tassel dating back to the 1930s

Five AHEPA fez hats, four red, one blue. Each with its own blue and white tassel. Except the tassel on the blue one is all white. Each also carries its own crest with lodge number. Blue fez belongs to Terry Karis with his name inside
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